The gameplay here honestly gets quiiite boring, but it makes up for it with Mixlas' amazing humour and ideas. Plus, Babygeist is there. Babygeist W!

The only truly good POPGOES project pre-Fanverse! I had a lot of fun with this game; the mask system, the trivia, and the battle mechanics are all very enjoyable, and I love the horror secrets (barring that one absolute bastard). Also JJ! JJ sweep!

It's Neat! I thought the gameplay was a neat tense loop, and I like the story at least conceptually. The visuals are pretty doodoo though. Evergreen is going to be insane.

The Joy of Creation: Story Mode is often praised for its innovation, breaking away from the typical Five Nights at Freddy's mechanics, but honestly I found it was at its best when it was closer to FNaF than not (Attic and Office). I thought Basement sucked, Bedroom was boring, and Living Room was smart but more stressful than anything. If I had to summarise how the gameplay of this game feels, it'd be "designed to be frustrating over fun". Still though, Office and Attic are cool.
The story is really.. weird. Not even referring to how it's about Scott Cawthon dying; there's so many weird parts besides that, like Nick's role and Ignited Golden Freddy. It's a bit too vague for its own good. Also, why do these demons have such boring designs? They shouldn't even be Unwithered-based, they should be Classic-based.
But one thing I must compliment to the highest degree: the game is HORRIFYING. I am so tense the entire time, always waiting for those mortifying monstrous jumpscares. Bedroom is especially good with its sound design. Has to be commended for that.

Although terrifying, I also find this game very boring and slow. Tension is great in a horror game, but this game is pretty much Just tension, and the story is far from interesting enough to pay it off. Still, I had a fine enough time with it.

Yucky. Why can't I move diagonally. Why does everything look ugly. Why why why.
Still has great horror though.

This game easily has some greats, some goods, and some duds. A couple of the games weren't even playable/completable, but a few were projects that I LOVED despite their length. So it averaged out to a complete experience that was pretty neat.
Lowlights: Killer Bees, Filthbreed (I'm sure that game is great but the controls didn't function for me), Effigy
Highlights: Sauna 2000, Until Biglight, Erasure

Man, I loved this game. I wish they had implemented horror into the added parts of the game, but they're still so good on their own; the characters are so surprisingly in-depth that they deserved those Side Stories, and they were great. And the desktop puzzles? Right up my alley!!

This game is exactly what I want from horror. An peculiar/absurd premise. A set of surreal, unexplainable twists. Absolutely pure visceral nightmarish segments of tension and terror. I loved it.

Happy to leave the first review on this lovely game! It was mysterious, it deeply unnerved me, and it actually had great intelligent stealth gameplay which is hard to find. The only part of the game I didn't like much was the ending section, but then I loved the ending screen itself so much it made up for it!

This game was wonderfully both creepy and cute, and also a bit funny at parts. Unfortunately it's been a long time since I last played it, but I know the world and the artwork was oh so charming! Can't wait to eventually play the other games by this dev.

This presents a very unique, Creepypasta-like horror that many games fail to capture. You can't truly beat the game, which is perfect. It's unfinished and every end is a horrific bit of broken code. It fills me with dread! Thank you Courage.

I. Love. Stories Untold. One of the most clever games I have ever played. Maybe sometimes the gameplay was a tad tedious, but god I adored the stories (that were untold). So many details perfectly woven together.

Currently the only Metroid game I have played (this is what I decided to start with) and DAMN it was fun! A lot of the time I got frustratingly lost or a boss felt poorly designed, but I was always sucked in by the exploration and secrets abound. Plus, the huge gameplay shakeup at one point in the game was a super welcome surprise!

This game is a classic, I love the zaniness and the varied monster roster. Sometimes the chases don't work quite right and otherwise can get more annoying than anything, but for the most part they're great. Specimen 11 is the best one.