Overall I enjoyed it more than FFXV, but it's pretty clear SE is moving the series into a direction I'm not interested in. As a whole I really felt like I was playing a spinoff over a main titled FF game. The game isn't much of a RPG, it's really just a character action game with some RPG lite elements thrown in to justify it being a main titled FF game. I didn't care for the story at all, I found it bloated, poorly paced, and just badly written overall, with many eye rolling moments. Talking about poor pacing, the main quest line is padded with some of the most boring and pointless sections that don't have anything to do with the main plot and story. Basically they put side quests in-between the main story points you have to do which don't do anything for progressing the actually story. It's awful.

I did enjoy the combat, which I think is far superior to the weird and janky action stuff SE has been experimenting with for the last decade or so. I also mostly enjoyed the Eikon battles, though I could have done without the QTEs.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2023
