Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ An amazing Star Wars story. For non-SW fans, I highly recommend at least watching the original & prequel trilogy to fully understand to actually connect and immerse with this game.
+ Large areas to explore. If "open-zone" is an actual term/gaming genre, this is what this game is. Many collectibles to be found and many secrets.
+ Fast-travel system. No more of Fallen Order's hell of backtracking!
+ Diverse playstyles/builds.
+ Faster, more-engaging combat. Not only does Cal move faster in Survivor than Fallen Order, battles are more active and flowing. This is most likely due to me playing in Jedi Grand Master which increases enemy aggression to the max, but it feels different than Fallen Order's Jedi Grand Master enemy aggression.
- Criticism on the framerate issues were not a lie, even in Performance Mode. It comes and goes, low spikes to heavy spikes, but not too terrible to drop the game.
- A lot of chests only really matter to those who want to customize Cal's appearance. I believe these chests should be more rewarding to gameplay. A lot of these chests are guarded by enemies, and defeating a challenging group or challenging platforming only for the chest to be a hairstyle or jacket is a bit of a let-down, in my opinion.
As a big Star Wars fan, it's a no-brainer I would one day play this game. I didn't play this day one because I waited until I found a cheap physical copy. I came into this 99% blind. Unfortunately, I was spoiled from the YouTube Recommendation section about a certain boss. Like Fallen Order, I expected Survivor to have the same Souls-like/Action-adventure hybrid, and it did not disappoint. The combat and exploration has improved so greatly, definitely recommend playing the highest difficulty to have the most fun, in my opinion.
I believe the Star Wars Jedi games can benefit from compacting force abilities. Instead of force abilities taking up 4 buttons, let it be hold L2+Square, Circle, Triangle, X. It was difficult remapping all buttons to how I like it because of how each action is a separate button.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
