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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 19, 2023

First played

July 18, 2023

Platforms Played


The Nintendo Switch is a unique console, that combines the company's past attempts at motion controls and handheld gaming into one. The Joy-Con is the successor to the Wii Remote which implements motion controls without the need for a sensor bar while providing different ways of utilizing it. With the Joy-Cons having that control scheme in mind, it's no surprise that accessories coming from Nintendo or third-party companies will pop up, but what if the accessory was your toilet paper roll? Give Me Toilet Paper answers that question by turning your roll into a controller. To play how it's intended, you're gonna need your left Joy-Con, a toilet paper roll, some tissue paper to hold the Joy-Con in place, and a board capable of some rolling action.

The main objective is to roll your way down to your destination, the random Japanese guy so he can wipe in peace. There are 32 levels to traverse through with new gimmicks and hazards coming along as you progress further on. You tilt your roll left and right as your only means of movement, and if you're playing this game for the first time, I recommend cranking the sensitivity to the max for more freedom of movement. It's a ridiculous concept for a control scheme, but surprisingly, it works. Now to be fair, it's not perfect as I have to keep readjusting my controller and I cheated a little bit by rolling it with my hand to get through a few levels, but for what it is, I think it does a good job of what it's trying to aim for.

Give Me Toilet Paper is fascinating. Taking something as bizarre as inserting a Joy-Con into a roll is utterly fascinating to me and I wish more smaller studios come with more wacky shit like this. If you're interested, pick it up for $5 on the Nintendo eShop.

Also the bgm goes so hard https://youtu.be/g4bgegai-bA