one of the most important first person shooters ever, up there with doom and half life. it started a monster of a franchise that cant be stopped even to this day, even though its not in its glory days anymore. the sandbox is what makes halo halo, with different quirks to each weapon and strategy, a straight-forward story with a simple plot but with so much mystery and horror, discovering a world that looks familiar but secrets hidden underneath is such a great idea. your constantly guessing what this place is, and who made it?

with ai that's better than most games nowadays, to a story that evokes mystery, a great sandbox with great vehicles, weapons and equipment, unforgettable environments and atmosphere, funny as shit quotes by iconic characters and a fucking masterpiece of a soundtrack "it has a little something for everyone".

and not forgetting multiplayer, that MADE fps multiplayer games with LAN play, team deathmatch, btb, capture the flag its jolly good fun. plus this game is the reason modern controllers work well with shooters.

in conclusion, this game is certified BADASS

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
