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I love this game. The system of the umbreal is great and its a good souls-like. However, it has big flaws.
Some bosses are extremely simple and others super difficult.
There's a real lack of enemy variety. You'll find some of the bosses you've defeated as simple enemies a little later, and then those same few enemies are recycled throughout the areas, just sometimes slightly remixed.
Also a lot of enemies are just HP bags, what I mean is that they have a lot of health for nothing, other than artificially increasing the difficulty.
I didn't particularly find the game repetitive but I can understand that some people find it repetitive.
Another big problem is the variety of weapons. Indeed you can acquire a wide range of weapons, however unlike Dark Souls, Bloodborne... none of them have any real unique power. So in the end you don't really change weapons during the game, unless you find it pretty.
To summarize, it's a very good game, but it suffers from several flaws. Flaws which are however easily adjustable, hoping that the studio takes them into account for their next game.