The Surge 2017

Log Status






Time Played

29h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 5, 2023

First played

March 23, 2023

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

It's definitively an overall good game, however a lot o small things threw me out of the experience.

I understand that when making a Souls-Like developers need to find new and interesting ways to make it different from the Souls Series, and I really think they nailed it here, chopping different body parts to get new equipment is quite enjoyable, the "Core Level" and "Core Points" System is very interesting and opens up the game to different builds and the environments are AMAZING, I really enjoyed how every scenario is very distinct from each other, even with pretty much every map consisting of pure metal building, it still feels super unique.

However, I found it to be quite inconsistent and felt like a lot of my deaths were due to numerical values instead of skill. For a long time in my playthrough I sought after those huge armors with big defense values, that's usually how I like to play, but even when I got these piece of equipment and leveled then up to max, I was still getting INSANE amounts of damage, so I thought "If I can't tank the damage, I'll just try my best to dodge everything" but the dash your character feels like it has no I-frames, I played the entire game dying to 1 or 2 hits or undodgeble 2-hit-combos, I only realized that the only way to circumvent this was filling my character up with a bunch of extra health mods in the literal end section of the game, you can absolutely see this as me just being a bad casual, but oh well, still finished the game felling this way and a lot of other people too.

As for the story, I feel like they had a very good pacing, giving pieces of it to the player throughout the game, I was very interested in seeing how things would play out, but it really bothered me how NO ONE explains what Project Resolve and Utopia actually are. Sure, I get it, Resolve is trying to rebuild the ozone layer by sending rockets into it... ok, but how the fuck does that work? At least give me some scientific mumbo jumbo to make it more believable. As for the end section, it really is disappointing, out of the blue the game introduces these new forms of live, both mechanical and organic, assimilating human life into it, without a single thought to try and foreshadow their existence, it really felt random and unrelated to the whole Resolve-Utopia thing... and both endings are very disappointing, just bland and carried no weight.

Overall, still worth playing if you enjoy soul-likes, just wait for a nice sale.