Magicka 2011

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1 day

Last played

September 4, 2018

Platforms Played


The other game we finished was the first Magicka. We've beaten Magicka 2 together 3 times across all three difficulties, so I thought we should try playing the first one together. It's still the co-optional friendly-fire murder-fest of fun the second game is, thankfully :D . However, while Magicka 2 is a little shorter and has far less add-on content than its predecessor, Magicka 1 is riddled with a score of other problems that make it a horrible bastard to play at times XP

First of all, this game runs like absolute trash given how long it's been out and that this is the only platform it's on. It crashed on us at least one every hour or two, and with a game as difficult and with fairly unforgiving checkpoints as Magicka, that was a real ball-buster. Some of the DLC's don't even have save-points in them, meaning a crash resets your ENTIRE PROGRESS. The crashing isn't so much a problem in the main campaign, but in the DLC's that's absolutely inexcusable. If your game is prone to crashing (as Magicka 1 has been since launch), give your add-on content hard save points! It wasn't even a problem with net-code (which Magicka 1 also has such a problem with they made fun of it in the promo-song/trailer they announced the sequel with), because we were playing local co-op, but that is a WHOLE other barrel of problems.

Magicka 1 was designed completely with PC in mind. You need 8-keys with your left hand (Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, and F) just to assign your 8 elements to cast spells, and this isn't counting aiming spells with the mouse and your several other keyboard buttons to do different kinds of spells (AOE, beam, imbue weapon, etc). Needless to say, playing it on a controller would be pretty hard (although Magicka 2 found a great solution to this, thank god). Magicka 1 does have controller support, but the controller support is so god damn terrible that it may as well not have.

Magicka 2 uses the 4-face buttons (using a shoulder button to toggle between the first and second 4 elements) to assign elements so you can cast spells as quickly as if you were pressing buttons on a keyboard. Magicka 1 has the absolutely insane method of doing Street Fighter-style quarter-circle movements on the right joystick to assign spell elements (up and counter-clockwise, up and clockwise, left and counter-clockwise, etc), which works about as well as you think it does for a game that assumes you can cast spells in less than a second. This makes the person with the keyboard carry the team as hard as possible the whole game, because the inherent slowness in the controller controls makes it so your other player(s) is fundamentally worse than you. Like, it IS nice that it's there, but it is so ridiculously unusable that it may as well not be.

Magnifying these other problems is the difficulty, which from being a bit too hard due to retroactive "balancing." (The game was complained at first for being too easy, and then all the enemies' stats were given a hard buff by the devs to shut people up without actually changing the encounters at all, meaning some come off as a bit more than a little unfair). It's still fun, but some encounters really come off as unfair with how many enemies you're expected to kill between checkpoints. One or two bosses in particular come off as CRAZY difficult without knowing very specific ways to kill them (which you are given no indication of) as a result of them being so beefed up. Multiple difficulty options really would've done Magicka a lot of good because there's really no reason they can't be here.

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. If you're a BIG fan of Magicka 2 like me, then this will probably give you some enjoyment on the writing alone, but it just runs so badly that it's really hard to recommend given that Magicka 2 and Nine Parchments are so much better designed. Magicka 1 is notable and important for the kind of game it brought about and better imitators it gave rise to, but it really hasn't aged very well as a result and often ends up being more frustrating than fun.