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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 19, 2020

Platforms Played


This is the first video game I've ever played, as evidenced by its place on this profile. Metroid Prime feels like a Nintendo 64 game in that it answers the question "What would [SNES game] feel like in 3D," and it also feels like a Nintendo 64 game in that it's annoyingly clunky but satisfying when played well. Super Metroid, the SNES game used as inspiration here, is still better by pretty much every measure, but this is a decent translation onto a new axis. It's worth noting that it is a first person 3D platformer--a genre rarer than it should be--so it might be worth playing for that alone, and it is worth a play through if you're looking for a game to play. Just play Super Metroid first.