Good things:
The DSS card feature is cool, gives you a build variety bigger than in elden ring
Bad things:
1. Literally anything that is not a [heart/mana/hp]-increasing item must be farmed. consumables, armor, accessories, even the DSS cards themselves must be farmed. and sometimes the answer to which card drops from who may not make any sense.
2. 10 hours feel like 40 for some reason, can't tell why
3. a bit too much door-like obstacles, which makes it difficult to keep track of which new paths are unlocked

both better and worse than circle of the moon
1) the combat is more satisfying
2) only gear and consumables is farmable(you can still find those lying around the castle)
3) The magic tomes mechanic is cool and also makes a good reuse of sub-weapons, since magic tomes change their movesets based on the kind of tome you're using
1) the music causes more headaches than music from cruelty squad(cruelty squad's music is intentionally bad)
2) the main feature of constantly traversing through both versions of the castle turns the game into a painful maze. i got a bad dream after playing it
3) goofy ahh animations

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A story about Theodor Kachinsky Basically destroying the world for good
with some itoi humor, of course

Dark Souls is held by "The 4 elephants".

1st elephant -- the Atmosphere. Graphics, Sound-design, the plot, character designs, e.t.c. Anything that is not gameplay is basically this first elephant. Almost everything in the atmosphere aspect tells something about the world you traverse through. Even the way bosses move may tell something about them.
2nd elephant -- Level design. The interconnectivity of locations brings the feel of the world being actually bigger than it is. Most of the enemy placements are there to form almost puzzle-like situations.
3d elephant -- rpg mechanics. you won't be able to unknowingly make a crazy-ass meta build. It does, however, provide you SOME room for experimentation and allows you to combine different stats for builds. Almost any weapon is perfectly viable.
4th elephant -- difficulty. The game itself is NOT difficult, but it does respect player's intelligence, therefore there are numerous ways to solve your problems. This game isn't really about working hard. It's more about working smart. Pine Resins, weapon enchantments, armor, shields, help of other players. If there is some kind of challenge, it will mostly be about you being required to THINK how to act.

These 4 elephants are (mostly) really good friends and (almost) perfectly interact with each other. Tough game situations perfectly interconnect with the game's atmosphere, the atmosphere is well-connected with the level design, the level design is well-connected with RPG aspect and so on.

it has the second half tho..

I would call it dark souls for those who are tired from dark souls
Also if you are looking for a metroidvania experience, then this is NOT the game to play. It only pretends to be a metroidvania