Same as the last couple games but improved slightly on some stuff.

Better than 2k18. This is when I really just started playing MyLeague primarily.

Beginning of the downfall of 2k

MyCareer was awesome the first time I played it. Also played a lot of Park and MyCourt.

2k14 v2. They're the same game but I played a lot.

Kind of just 2k13 v2 but I liked it.

Always had fun playing this. Played a lot of MyCareer this year.

Good game but super overrated.

You can tell the devs really tried here but it's just not a good concept.

Fun way to waste some time I guess. Used to play this back when I still sort of watched WWE and I enjoyed collecting my favorite superstars.

Good for what it is. As a fan of all of these shows I definitely enjoyed my time with this but it's not worth spending a whole lot of time on.

At one point, Fortnite was actually an all time great game in my opinion. Even though it's not so good anymore, I don't want that to take away from what it once was.

My favorite game of all time. People love to hate on it but it's actually really good. The story is better than everyone says. The settlement building was a great addition. And just going around and exploring the world is always a fun time.