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Technically played this via the Last Recode collection on PS4.

The .hack//G.U. series had been making great strides having a decent first volume even if it was rough around the edges and then patching up said rough edges for the second volume.

Volume 3 is easily the peak of the three games managing to tie everything up to make a worthy conclusion (at least until Last Recode gave fans one final epilogue to really wrap things up).

The gameplay is legitimately fun, the characters have gotten so much better especially Haseo, the voice acting at it's best whether it's Yuri Lowenthal giving it his all as Haseo and Crispin Freeman relishing in another delightful villain role as Sakaki (who really goes off the deep end in this one) and we even get a massive change of scenery towards the end leading to a big climax that actually had me somewhat emotional.

Honestly, it's kinda amazing how quick this series went from being good to great in the span of three games but that's exactly what happened.