Your Turn to Die has become one of my favorite video games ever. It’s a massively underrated hidden gem, and it deserves to be in as much spotlight as possible. The writing is superb. Each of the characters manage to be fun, stay relevant throughout the plot, and go through some type of development arc. The graphical aesthetic may technically not be that of a pretty visual novel (probably due to it being made in RPG Maker), but I think that’s to its benefit, as the look of the game really captures the feeling it’s trying to communicate. It accomplishes dreadful horror when it needs to. Similarly, it does so when it comes to really emotional moments. Soundtrack is diverse and interesting as well.
Another thing to note is that the game itself does not falter at any point. Coming from playing visual novels such as Ace Attorney & Danganronpa, I expected this game to have moments that wouldn’t impress me as much as sections that appeared earlier. The two franchises are guilty taking dips in quality along the way. Surprisingly, I did not feel that way at all while playing Your Turn to Die. I swear, the game kept one-upping itself with each story/character beat.
I implore you: If you can get behind games that utilize psychological horror and/or like Danganronpa, I highly recommend that you check out Your Turn to Die. Maybe even it give a shot at playing it. You won’t be disappointed.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
