3 reviews liked by PinkieOats

begging this fuckin game to give me some more tokimeki memorial puzzles all i get are bombermans

If I'm being honest, I was a little disappointed by this one. Perhaps my expectations were too high for a GameCube game, but I had been hearing for years how incredible this game is, and I was ultimately just whelmed. As for the good, this remaster looks amazing on the Switch and the soundtrack totally rips. Some of the gameplay ideas presented are really well thought out and refined; it’s just a very creative game. However, the game definitely shows its age at times. The movement sometimes felt unintuitive; like Samus was trudging through tar. I was so hyped when I got the grappling hook, but then it ended up being kinda jank and often didn’t work how I expected it to. I also was not into the backtracking. I know that’s kinda the thing with Metroid, but every time I got an upgrade I felt super frustrated because I couldn’t remember exactly where I needed to use it. Maybe this is just my impatient modern gamer brain, but having to trudge back through levels (although sometimes fun in the endgame when fully upgraded), just sucked and felt like a total waste of time. Again, perhaps my expectations were too high for this game. Yes, this game was very immersive, looked great, and was extremely creative, but I found that I was more often annoyed and disinterested than fully engaged. I only got sucked into the game after I got the plasma beam, which is a shame since that’s right at the end. I had to force myself to pick up the game and play for most of it, just so I could see what the hype was about. I got it on sale for like $22, and I think it was worth it at that price. If I had paid $40 for it though, I would be much more disappointed. Reading back through this, I sound a lot more negative than I really feel. I liked the game, I just didn’t love it as much as I expected to. Maybe it’s just not for me, and that’s okay. I appreciate how creative and innovative it is, and I’m glad other people love it so much.

super fun game. the open-world aspect of this allows for so much more creative freedom in how you approach things. sucks that there was so much cut content. however, if you take the cut last mission into account, i've never really understood why people thought the story was incomplete. sure it's not as tight towards the end, but it was working under the constraints of trying to tie back into the MSX games from 30 years ago. and i think it succeeds at that and does so in an interesting way.