6 reviews liked by Piruhe

Sex 2


Sex 2


Sex was so good they had to make a sequel.


What a fucking game.

While I have my small nitpicks with the game's overworld and it's reliance on chance events and lack of freedom or experimentation due to the honor system and scripted missions, (unlike something like TOTK or BOTW) I still ADORE this game.

Red Dead Redemption stands out as one of the greatest games I've ever played, not because of it's overworld, combat, graphics, attention to detail, or realism, but because of it's story. (this game does look AMAZING tho, I played it on a PS5 slim and it looks fucking fantastic)
Sure I loved riding around on my horse, or freeing the random stranger from a bear-trap, but ultimately the story is what kept me going.

And holy SHIT what a story.

Bro this shit is better than some movies, some shows, some books.. God this shit made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me jump out of my seat in panic. This game had me HOOKED. Absolutely all praise to the writers, actors, and directors of this game's narrative. Y'all murdered this.

I won't comment much on the actual story or it's characters as to not spoil anything, and because it's kinda been talked to death from all the youtube video essays, but know that they're telling the truth.

If you haven't played this game yet, then DO IT. It'll ask a lot of your time, and it might take a bit to get invested, but in the end I promise you it WILL be worth it.

You're a good man Arthur Morgan..