Log Status






Time Played

2h 24m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 16, 2024

First played

January 15, 2024

Platforms Played


Hello, hnnnngnh yes I want Crash the Bandicoot to go through Agrabah and if possible I never get a game over also I want to have him use the four elements: water (swimming levels), air (plane levels), fire (bike levels bro he can ride a mean engine doe) and earth (ok guys i dont have one but he goes through levels where we cant see anything, that's a cool thing to mention). Also Coco is mandatory what will she do? Oh that's the part where she gets bonked on the head and the scene transitions to KH2's opening.

This game's vibe is exactly what I was expecting playing through the previous games. Bike levels have been compared in the "die & retry" approach but I'm not throwing a fit over restarting a race, overall they're good designs (BUT, and this comes from deep in my soul, why tf do I have to finish the race to be allowed to retry!! stop screwing with me!!!). Finally we hear Aku Aku mansplain his wisdom but even he can't explain what his words in the first game meant.. is it oola buga? uwa baka? Backloggd how do you interpret his wisdom?