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Time Played

1h 27m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 8, 2024

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Dawg there's no way 😭😭 where did yall get your license Make A Wish??😭 weakest Constitution dissenter.

We have Sonic Drift at home! Not really, not really. It does have Smash Melee's UI and SFX 🫢 a lot of elements were brought back in some form in Smash. I think Sakurai really likes Air Ride. Just a hunch. Air Ride's claim to fame is its famous portrayal of the west vs east mentality, what I mean by this is the contrast between box arts. Kirby you are not you when you are hungry, LUCKILY he's actually able to suck and get new abilities mid race. Sakurai has great priorities. There's not a humongous number of them, but truth is Kirby's on a diet. Indeed, that is why he's getting into baby's first sport. Yeah boi enjoy ur baby warp star, the "fuck it we ball drunk & driving" phase is very far away, but that doesnt mean it'll never happen. How many crimes has the pink puffball done? HOLY GUACAMOLEEE pulls out comically long video scrolling through war crimes.

The easiest stray compliment Air Ride can get is its presentation. The races design, progression and scenery all make a fine cake. You'll need more than one try to tame the beast. It appears however that I be pregnant cuz my ass is expectin. As I am beholden to this earthly shell and realize my time on Earth is slipping away, it has come to my attention that the lack of mechanics and the minimalist control scheme truly put the "L" in "Kirby Air Ride". It just gets old fast, unfortunately. it has to rely on the challenges checkboard and that's a telltale sign you will be stuffed to the brim! Hey now, for "Air" riding, the invisible walls trapping us in course jail have the tendency to make aerial control a gamble. The issue can be mitigated if you consume thoses races like crack, but as it stands for a new player, you pick a god and pray you don't facetime a wall of translucid concrete expeditiously.

Of the three gamemodes, the 2nd is a weird one. Top Ride has a niche fanbase, but nothing to quite put the capital R in it. It's meant to be chaotic as heck, clearly capitalising on multiplayer. You don't see shit tho 😂 get me a beer son! it's like watching an underground chickens race. Which can be pretty funny, sometimes I'm just wonderin why the invincibility candy is just a regular candy, gives me a lot to ponder about. I can't imagine myself trying to complete the checklist for that one. I'd be driven cuckoo so fast. Are a few music tracks and being able to ride a Toyota worth the grind. The "Air Grind" if you will. Ah! This is a sub mode in Nightmare in Dream Land ahah. Atleast we know what Korby Air Ride would be like as a mobile game my brethrens

Ok and for last, we have City Trial. Notice how it's not called Cities Trials because there is a singular city and only one struggle. It is like a Mario Party where no skill is required and only luck is involved, the apocalyptic events got me tweaking they are very uncanny Mario tier, Dyna Blade can just decide your life license is forfeit and no council can overthrow the decision. There are gift wrapped stats boosters across the one map, some might say performance enhancing doping not being frowned upon in the Kirby universe is quite the bold statement, yet I can only say "but of course.". It's about the journey not the destination and they were so right! The concept of gathering upgrades for a minigame showdown is very cool, too bad all the minigames are unbalanced and not my cup of tea to put it mildly. This racing business may not be Kirby's strongest suit, we goin back to fighting games and low effort 3DS apps with this one 💤