Narrow.One 2021

Log Status






Time Played

0h 14m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 12, 2024

First played

November 24, 2023

Platforms Played


"I was gonna write some funny jokes but I realise I'd spent more time doing this review than playing this."

Look, in the process of touching up my old reviews, this is probably the shortest I have, and the only one that doesn't actually talk about the game at all. Cowabummer! This game is a run of the mill RvB and the fact it has active players, atleast when I played this the month of this review, leaves me quite perplexed! But it's not only an RvB, it also doubles down as one of the game industry's finest murder mystery, as the local police tries to guess the method and motive behind my assassination of the game's dev- ok, the murder jokes go a little too far. Hey, also, this embodies the spirit of flash games really well, being available with a single hyperlink click and also having a non-existent production value. "I am not questioning your production value, I am denying its existence" Tyrion Lannister. Brilliant quote.

I do like the pun between "narrow" and "arrow" dumbass ass pun I frickin love it. Why is there a "." in the title, we known this game has no point?? Now, I admit I don't even remember the game so let me play it again before finishing it... ah, there it is. That's the true kino soul right there. Let me break it down: you're pitted (thats me!) against 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 players, some that may or may not be on their phones playing this in utter discomfort, you can choose classes ? ? ! and there are quite the high number of maps ? ! ! that is pretty much the gist, meat and spirit of what this is about. It is obviously pretty uga bunga and serves as a good passtime for the Purchaser of the Mindnumbing.

It also has mobile game elements such as cosmetics, it makes sense since this is a free game, no complaint there. No devious ahh shenanigans made especially to milk you. Now, I'l show you the gameplussy. Me personally, I just took the arrow class, I shot arrows, I had pretty good aim tbh PC masterrace, and yeah you walk up to the flag and have to go back to the spot where your own is for it to count as a true yippee moment. Do it, like 3 times to win. Now, you know I love Minecraft (or you don't), and I can just as easily do this whole game in any Minecraft server. The arrow shooting is pretty stranghtforward, in the straight and narrow you might say, fully charged shots will just go straight pretty much. Enemies died in 3 full shots. That sure happened.

So I have, in fact, spent more time doing this review than playing this.