We didn't see that coming. How could we not? Why would they not make use of the engine to give us this? Not bad, though. Game's managed to prove it had a reason to exist which can't be said for me yet but working on it, one cringe review at a time. The most glaring aspect of Three Hopes is that it is arguably the best Musou adaptation so far, although engine stuff is a bit cheating so Age of Calamity is worth mentioning. But regarding the gameplay, it does go hard! Every mechanic from 3H seems to come back, from the monastery activities to map mechanics like gambits, most important of all being the grand return of yeeyee ass haircuts 😎✂️🤓

I was planning to finish the game before Engage came out but wasn't fast enough. I know I'm close yet so far. My blue lions babies are waiting for me... plus random story recruits. Minus Bernie. I was supposed to knock some sense into her but I've absolutely obliterated the winds outta her. AITA?

One thing worth knowing that my friends really insist on is to not expect much out of the endings. Game acts as a non-canon midquel and sometimes, story gets hype and you might forget that fact. That's a shame, why were we given the best avatars in the series then? Can't forgive y'all for not appreciating the purple and orange combo. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what makes Shez so perfect, he's still getting a super duper cool power and climbs military ranks before you can say "Genealogy remake when?", although his interactions with other characters have substance to them.

Wait... hold the phone.. that's two times I'm picking the male avatar. Impressive, Fódlan. Male self-inserts tend to be subpar so I'm positively impressed. I wonder if anyone would choose me as a self-insert? Not sure whether a "yes" or "no" would be the more respectable answer.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2024
