I came in a Persona hater and I left renouncing my miscreant ways. Many people must have had the same experience but even though Yu can't escape the usual flaws of silent protagonists, he hits the spot. He's laissez-faire and proactive, nonchalant and a real homie. Cherry on the cake is the drip mod where he has the Goku drip jackets while doing an all-out attack with a smirk that just feels right. Narukamicore.

When something bad happened and my sibling was not in the right-place long-story short this was the game we were playing around that time and i took a laptop to the hospital as well so I guess it helped get things back to normal? Massive dub. The hospital was nicer than the one in-game... or the one in the first Persona, these hospitals are cooked ong.

Speaking of long-story short this game do be long-story short except remove the "short" part. Never gets boring. I prefer this game over Persona 5 and I don't know how Persona 3 compares yet (i will not buy the remake if no femc!!)

Hey I can't pick PC platform lmao thx for telling me i picked the wrong entry in the comments. We need an IGDB overhaul fr this is a port with the same content!! I think!! Slightly off-topic I got.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023


7 months ago

What a ressourceful fellow! Back then it didn't occur to me it could be a separate entry 💀
no prob