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It's really solid, but it's got quite a lot of missed opportunities. The biggest one was when I saw the lip monster lady on the HR floor and my mind was blown because I felt like I knew what was coming. That's because before or after the whole fiasco with the lip lady, it was specified that the witch could only be a woman and I had the biggest light bulb pop out of my cranium because I remembered so much of the cast were women, and then I thought that, "Oh Shit! All the chicks are gonna betray me and then Brian Pasternack will turn into Devil Man and go through all the floors and hunt all of them down in their specific floors they occupy like the lip lady, kind of like a boss rush formula! This is dope AF yo!" But that ain't the case at all, and I really wished that it was the case. I still thoroughly enjoyed the game though, even if it gets way too esoteric in terms of quest design smtimes.

I feel like if there was a sequel, or if it was 50% longer (give or take) there could have been more build-up, world-building, and more profound character arcs set up here to set it apart from many other indie titles.

A complete atrocity. I'm so shocked and upset that this got through being greenlit. The game doesn't fucking function, it's like I'm playing a debug build, so much rudimentary and important stuff missing. The story is a total letdown with nothing new to offer and the side stuff is at an all time low. This is a complete waste of one's time and money (for me of course, I honest to god couldn't be more ecstatic for the bruthas enjoying the game, shoutout to your fams bro). I haven't hated a game with this much passionate anger before, and it happens to be an RGG game, how utterly sad and fucked up. I'm genuinely worried for the future of the series, I'd much rather have them never touch a brawler formula ever and just keep going with Ichiban's Turn-Based Formula. I've never been this distraught over a game before lmao. The final chapter was the only decent part of the game, everything else was a slog.

Hated it for the first good portion of the first time I played the game like 10 months ago, but after the end, I took it in and thought about it, and I realized that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did another playthrough of the game today after time enhanced my weirdly nostalgic and warm feelings about this game, and man it's a good little tightly-knit package. Lots of things to think about in a small experience, and lots of ways to interpret it, I hope we get more from the artist.