Resident Evil 4 Remake is a goddamn masterpiece. This is the best Survival Horror game I've played just ever and I am actively struggling to think of something I didn't like about it.

The combat experience is spot on. The game really forces you to choose every option available. When you're unlucky with the last encounter you had and waste ammo, suddenly stealth became a very tempting option to thin out enemies in the next encounter. Getting rough with low damage and no explosives for crowd control, now you scour every single thing you can find with your eyes to work around it. And it's somehow felt good rather than demanding, it's actually amazing. Capcom has also done an amazing job creating the sense of accomplishment when all hope is lost. The way that the back end "director" provides monumental wins for you, such as having no healing left or being low on ammo, is amazing. It allows you to make mistakes but still pull a win out, not always, but when you really are putting in the work. To quote our liege and savior Todd Howard, It just works.

The changes to the narrative from the original game are also fantastic, Leon's characterization is still nailed despite him still very much being a stoic badass, he has depth more here and his relationship with Ashley feels way more natural here then in the original (although it's still platonic, which is great of course). Ashley herself feels a lot more of a "young woman stuck in a situation which frightens her to her core" here then just "high school girl who screams a lot". Just in characterization and presentation alone, it goes a long way to make her a better character and it helps carry through the game.

The game is also so damn pretty, I can't understate that. This actually helps it feel a lot more like a horror game too now, you actually do feel kinda terrified of things that previously where kinda hard to take seriously as a threat, atleast visually. This is no longer an issue here, it's fully lived up to the "survival horror" aspect of this series and did it so brilliantly. It's not topped 2R or 7 in that sense, it was never going too in fairness, but by god it got closer then I would have ever expected in a million years.

I was never that big on the original game in all honesty, but Resident Evil 4 Remake is one of the best games I've played in my life, full stop. I love it to absolute bits and I can finally say I "get it" when people talk about this game in such high regard, I understand it fully. This is my favorite Resident Evil Game, favorite Horror Game, and probably my favorite game of this decade so far. It's a work of art and I cannot strongly recommend this enough. It takes a lot for me to say a game is perfect, but this is one of those cases where the game genuinely feels nearly perfect.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
