15 reviews liked by PlanktonJr

é um jogo bem curtinho e fácil, no meu caso isso não me incomoda mas se vc for aqueles gamer hardcore que gosta de dificuldade passe longe disso. dito isso, achei foda e a peach eh uma fofa, me diverti durante as horas que joguei ate o momento

It's decent. The beginning was not that great, but it gets better in the latter half. It ended up being more fun than I expected. Definitely better than FF7 Shitbirth.

>"It's too easy."
It's literally a game made for young children, calm the fuck down. This is no different from Kirby or Yoshi titles where 90% of the game is insanely easy, but holds up due to the charming presentation and artstyle. Hell, Even the original game aka Super Princess Peach was extremely easy. But I'm guessing nobody here played that game because people are acting like they're stuck in the 2010s where everything must be Dark Souls tier of difficulty.

Balan Wonderworld, if it was
• made competently
• for the girlies
• had unique levels

It is VERY short

This really is a better Balan Wonderworld. Very simple, very fun, very variety, very long ass load times. (There's also no backtracking in levels so trying to 100% kind of sucks)

It's fun, but I was expecting a liiiiiittle more plot and stage variety! I wish the danger challenges showed up more often. Worth the wait though :) You can tell the devs have an Off the Hook bias LOL

I am really hoping the devs iterate on this in a future game. They already have a lot going right with this but god the level objective and boss variety is such a drawback for long-term replayability (such as clearing the Spire with every Weapon).

Even just one different objective type and an alternate final boss would've gone a long way.

At least they did something new and didn't just make another Splatformer with re-skinned Octarians again.

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The villain is literally just Z from Xenoblade 3 lol

I missed you so fucking much, Off the Hook...

Pre-Review: February 21, 2024

If I had to be honest, I might've enjoyed this a lot more than Octo Expansion, maybe because Pearl and Marina appeared more physically along the quest in this.

Oh well, regardless, this expansion was so much fun to play and it feels so amazing to see those two again! ^^