I was originally going to write a joke review this game that it was basically just lesbian papas pizzeria (I still go by that though) but the more I played it a got a really cool and interesting game to go with it. You play in the pov of a girl named Jill, who lives in the futuristic cyberpunk world as you see her be a bartender as meets different people she talks about and helps with their problems while Jill has an underlying issue herself. The game has no stakes or anything in that matter and that's a good thing since this was very comfortable to play through as it was a slice of life vn as we go through Jill's "normal" life in what seems to be a dystopian world. The characters backstories give you a better idea of how this dystopia is like and gives you more lore about glitch city. A very relaxing and fun vn about a very interesting premise with a cool protagonist and an interesting message to go with it

Reviewed on May 26, 2024

1 Comment

30 days ago

Lesbian Papa’s Pizzeria is all I need to hear