This was one of those games I constantly put aside because of other stuff I wanted to play at the time because I kept hearing it was a weaker and now that I finally played it, I should have played this earlier because it was definitely better than I thought. despite it not being the higher ace attorney games, I do still think it's a pretty solid title despite it kind of just forgetting what happened with the end of Apollo justice but besides that it was slower at the start and started to pick up at the end of the game. The addition to Athena was great since she really is a great character and had a lot of time to shine. Phoenix and Apollo both get their time in the game as you get to play their respective "gimmick" sections the magatama and the bracelet respectively (I might have lied Apollo gets kinda sidelined). The addition of the mood matrix made for one of my favorite parts of doing trials even if they are gimmicky in nature. For being the first game to transition to 3d (I don't count the layton crossover) it tried to translate the various goofy reaction sprites to 3d and it resulted in some of them feeling janky in nature but still tried their best to make it close to the original(even if they failed a little) In classic ace attorney fashion the last case of the game is very excellent and is definitely something once you get to it. The various additions and the addition to Athena make for a decent entry to the series (if you ignore it being a sequel to apollo justice)

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2024
