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1 day

Last played

June 14, 2024

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man, I love Remedy. I almost never come back to a game for DLC after beating it, but Alan Wake II was one of my favorite games last year so I wanted to check it out.

This is a pretty short DLC that I completed in one sitting across 2 or so hours. It's broken up into 3 "episodes", each of which has its own style and gameplay. The standouts for me are easily episodes 1 and 3. Episode 2 was just alright, although it was nice to see Jesse again from Control.

Episode 1 is a fun time with a focus on humor and combat. It was fairly easy, but the charm was enough to carry it.

Episode 3, on the other hand, encapsulates everything I love about Remedy. This is easily the most enjoyable of the 3 and I had a smile on my face throughout the entire episode. I feel like Remedy keeps coming up with weird storytelling methods that few others can even come close to in the modern gaming landscape.

I won't go into any further detail so as to not spoil what's in store, but I would recommend checking it out if you enjoyed Alan Wake II.