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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 1, 2024

First played

March 31, 2024

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A very interesting game that I played many years ago but didn't remember finishing it, so that's what I did today.
A classic beat em up with a banger soundtrack, a simple story but with a bittersweet ending, very nice graphics and a great design of the 3 main characters, my favorite being Ninja.

I feel like I like this game more than I should like (because, to be honest, it's aesthetic is fucking badass) but also it's gameplay is actually very decent, the 3 characters adapt to different playing styles and their controls, although at the beginning they may look a little out of the ordinary, they are simple and work well.

So, my only problem with this game is its difficulty: don't get me wrong, it is not a very difficult game, in fact, it is very permissive with its checkpoints when using a continue (which are infinite) but that makes me feel that many times after going through a complicated section and losing a lot of hp, the game forces you to die to use a continue and continue advancing with full hp (something that would be solved simply by offering ways to replenish life more often) Also, i don't know why (and this is probably a skill issue) but sometimes it's really hard to grab an enemy even if you're right next to him, it's quite frustating, because you can get stunlocked very easily (specially on some bosses that rely on their subordinates, the boss of stage 7 it's a nuisance because of that)

Anyways, highly recommended for a casual play or for the fans of the genre.