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5 hrs ago

5 hrs ago

8 hrs ago

Pleitegrieche reviewed Hogwarts Legacy
- This game looks beautiful and is full of details, especially in Hogwarts.
- The Combat System feels unfinished. You can just press the normal attack button and simply dodge every time and win every fight by doing that. Spells are repetitive and lacks variety and creativity. 5/10
- The Story and the characters are lifeless and boring, except from Sebastian. Your own character is an empty shell. 3/10
- The Gameplay starts to get boring quite fast when you have explored most of the movies content. You can't do anything interesting in Hogwarts or other places. You can't even interact with NPCs. The only part where you can do things is in the open world, which is by far the worst thing in this game. It is way to repetitive and boring. It doesn't even feel like an Harry Potter game anymore, but an magic rpg from an small studio. There is no moral system, making you, even after using forbidden spells, the good guy. The amount of clothing you get, kills even the slightest bit of anticipation when opening a chest.
- It's so much wasted potential. Imo this games map should be 80% smaller so the developers can focus more on trivial things, as the story, characters, moral system, combat system, having options to be the good or the bad guy, less, better and bigger puzzles in Hogwarts, making Hogwarts more lively meaning you can actually do something there, a limited selection of clothing, choosing houses and wands will affect and change your character and the list goes on.

3 days ago

3 days ago

Pleitegrieche reviewed The Forgotten City
- The concept is really good 10/10 and the idea of having different endings enables you to play just as you want to.
- The gameplay is just running to an npc from stop doing anything and thinking to running again, which feels really boring and repetitive. 4/10
- Graphics are okay, they work (5,5/10). The Voice actors are just as average (5,5/10).
- Every Character is interesting and has his own story. 8,5/10

3 days ago

Pleitegrieche reviewed Ghost of Tsushima
- The combat is one of the best, if not the best, I have ever played (10/10).
- The world and animations look beautiful, I have never seen a game that uses wind and environment so well (10/10).
- The HUD in the game, in settings and items such as upgradable clothing is one of the best I have ever seen (10/10).
- The characters feel real and their story is interesting to follow (8/10).
- The main story is very engrossing (8/10). The side stories have good characters, but feel like they randomly pop up in your gameplay (due to the open world), which I didn't like at all (5.5/10).
- The dialogue is deep, but unfortunately feels very unnatural due to the game's weird "2 words per sentence" rule (5/10).
- The open world is empty and the missions you are suddenly given feel very out of place, making the experience feel unnatural again. The repetitive tasks add to the unnatural feeling of playing (3,5/10).
- This game would easily be one of the best if it didn't have an open world. This alone would have solved most of the problems.

3 days ago

3 days ago

Pleitegrieche reviewed Assassin's Creed Syndicate
- Assassinating in combination with parkour feels so good in this game. 8/10
- Graphics are really good for a 9 year old game. 7/10
- Except of the siblings, which I really loved, most characters aren't really interesting. 6/10
- The cutscenes and the voice actors are really good. They are by far better than those from the newer AC games. 8,5/10
- Gameplay is just going from Mission to another mission you see on the map. In between those missions is a empty city, where you can do nothing except parkour. It is really bad. I don't get the sudden critic Ubisoft gets for their empty open world, in older AC games it was even worse. 2/10
- The stealth aspect sells this game, other than that it really sucks. The side missions aren't fun (4/10) and the story is boring (3/10).

3 days ago

3 days ago

Pleitegrieche reviewed Assassin's Creed Origins
- AI/NPCs are one of the worst I have ever seen. 2/10
- Gameplay is just going from checkpoint to checkpoint. Missions and story of the first hours are average. 5/10
- The normal Fighting System is above average. Playing as an assassin feels off and needed more parkour to work. 6/10
- The world looks beautiful, 10/10 graphics. I don't mind the empty map since Deserts are just as Empty IRL. Sadly, the cities feel just as empty.
- The game gets completely carried by the setting, the atmosphere and the graphics. I heard the mc is well written, I didn't play enough to comment on that. Everything else is really not that good. Somehow it still makes fun to play.

3 days ago

3 days ago

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