An exceptionally cute game, but not quite what I look for in a farming sim. If it looks interesting to you, pick it up

Full little collection of Kingdom Hearts' greatest hits, but not all the songs lend themselves for rhythm games. Don't play this if you only want story stuff, you get that in like a 5 minute youtube video

I've 100% this game 4 times. I'm now thinking about PlayStation trophy completion as well

After a certain point the monotony settled in and I wanted to get a move on. I liked the egg boi, the cutscenes were great, and it kind of sucks that this game isn't cannon. That was truly missed potential


I enjoyed this game and I beat it in a voice call with friends. I now have an Omori Keychain, not depressed though

Fun game, just kind of want something like this with a tad bit more polish.

If you're playing this game for the first time, Do NOT marathon it. Take breaks between endings. Other than that, I love this story more than Nier Automata. Don't make me pick between characters

The combination of two things I love; Pokemon and Photography. Pokemon Snap on crack

I tried to play this on gamer and failed miserably, later found out I shouldn't have done that. Other than that, this game is a Two-Pack of Ass

Since when did we start hating on the music in this game? People are weird...I play Bridget

This was pretty much my first MOBA and it was actually a lot of fun. Not gonna play any other MOBA though

Better than the first in everyway, this game is immaculate

Sonic Colors is the safest and simplest (but still good) sonic game out there. How did they fuck this one up? They also ruined Speak With Your Heart for me

One of the most basic and dense games I've ever played. It's pretty, but I wasn't super feeling it