Largely enjoyable game. I just wish it leaned more into the horror elements, which it genuinely does quite well. But those sections are few and far between. Especially near the end when it's playing action bongo music and you're gunning down hundreds of dudes. And to be clear the strictly action stuff isn't bad either. I just found myself wishing this game was a bit more than a bunch of linear enemy-packed corridors, because it's almost fantastic. Just feels like it misses some of its opportunities. Even just being a bit more open ended or having more traditional big house locations the series is known for could have done a lot for the game. Especially the castle. You get to this huge castle with doors everywhere but its still just a straight path through with only very minor keys forward to pretend it's not.

And that's to say nothing of how it derailed the story in a very disappointing way, and was overall a really bad influence for the series going forward.

But, what's there is quite good. Visuals aged very well, mechanics feel good, atmosphere is very eerie when it wants to be. I even like the Ashley escort segments, I thought having someone vulnerable with you balanced the game more towards having tension rather than pure action. Could have used more of her - though I know that's unpopular to say. Could have had a lot more risk vs reward in giving her health upgrades but she's really not with you long enough to get TOO in depth with mechanics she introduces.
And personally I really like the "dated" aiming system. I find it to be more grounded and immersive than now-standard dual stick aiming.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
