Everything I said about the first Insomniac Spiderman game holds true. But I found this one trimmed some unecessary fat. It's all just as good as before but it's got less copy paste content. Just a better paced game in general. Maybe certain story beats could have been a bit better given more time like the first game had, but I still liked a lot about the narrative regardless.

A really good streamlined followup, and just about as good as a game in this style can possibly be. Relatively it's a bit on the shorter side. According to "how long to beat" the time it takes to 100% this game could very well be as long as it takes you to simply play through the story of the previous game. I could see this putting people off but I embrace the streamlined nature of this release. I'm tired of games that feel like they need to justify themselves with an obnoxiously long playtime. While that wasn't really a complaint I had with the other game, I still found this one refreshing for that reason. Still, I always recommend getting games on sale whenever possible anyway. Whether it's Ebay or the very frequent sales digital shops have, always worth it for games you didn't buy during the year of its release.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
