. this season was amazing also shout out epic for making the battlepass free if you completed quests

this is really when i started playing fortnite with my account instead of off my cousins phone. This season might be the best season of all of them that i played. maybe casue of the Christmas vide but man this was a blast

so i think its about time i log the fortnite seasons that ive played starting with this one kinda. what i mean by kinda is that this was the first season i played but it was on my cousins phone (wasnt my account) still fun even tho i sucked.

is that character a owl a man or both 🤔🤔

pong but you can shoot and um there is Pac Man.

One of flashes Magnum Opus. Even if the game is slicing and shooting humans.

I love how you can drink like 7 beers and not get drunk.

Never would i have thought a game about Russian Nesting dolls would be this good

you could just do this irl.


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a nice short game (also pretty depressing) about a farmer who well doesn't want to be here anymore. (Aka kill himself I think) the game looks very good but sometimes would lag my Xbox one s. also got this when it was free with gold. other than that, lagging problem pretty good game.

Tequila Zombies is another one of those flash games that I forget about from time to time. I was scrolling through New Grounds, and I was looking through zombie games and then I saw it and oh man was I excited to see it. any way I don't think I've played this one a lot, but I got 100% on it today and it was a blast to play would recommend if you are looking for a zombie flash game.

Ray is one of those flash games I forgot about at least I think I forgot about it from time to time. Anny Ways after getting 100% on this flash game I can say it was pretty good. I do wish you could skip the cutscenes because to unlock all the cutscenes you have to replay it 3-4 more times to get all the cutscenes. also just want to say if you made a game like this now in days you might get canceled because of the words they chose to say, Alot more cuss words than I remember but besides that game was once again pretty good.

I thought if I can't play this game anymore... why not go ahead and leave a review. all of the good memories I had with my online friends and Irl friends playing this game I think playing this game was one of the highlights of my 2021 summer all the nights staying up playing until like 2:30 or so. but feel like playing this game by myself only would have affected my rating ALOT but this game was one and still is one of the best battle royals OAT.
(Also, to make my opinion clear Rebirth map >verdansk map) if it was just rebirth only, I would give 3.5 but it wasn't also my OPINION.

one of the best flash games out there and one of the most iconic. very nice art style also. short but very fun and funny. Made me laugh too.

after getting 100% on this game here is what I have say. This is a pretty good game. yeah, sometimes it does get repetitive, but it still is fun. Also love the way the game looks. But if I was going for just 100% achievements, I would give 3.5 but I was going for 100% everything which brings my rating down. one small mistake on a level can led to a death and then you have to restart the level to get the no death medal. Besides that its a nice game on game pass.