PolaroidJack’s ‘Mid' March Birthday Weekend Castlevania-athon Collection Extravaganza Part 1:

Starting up a collection of games across my catalog of either things outside of my usual comfort zone or I’ve been wanting to get off the backlog for a long while. This collection was only a few bucks and I didn’t have too many major plans outside of it being my birthday, so I decided to try out some of the games as my Castlevania repertoire and write down a brief summary of my runs.
Also I saw the badge that said ‘log 5 games in 1 day’ and figured I wasn’t gonna find much chance otherwise without stretching it a bit.

I’m sorry to say that Classicvania is not my forte.

Castlevania 1 is a very intriguing game historically. Practically I guess it works? It’s very basic and I got done with it in about an hour so my thoughts are exactly super solid compared to later ones. It’s basically what I expected, jank and all so I didn’t have too much frustration- but I don’t have much praise to give it outside of its legacy.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2023
