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Poppi completed Endless Ocean: Luminous
It's not on the same level as the first two. It's very grindy and based around procedural generation to find the things you need to fill out a Log and Mystery Tiles. It's got a lot of poorly laid out design elements and frustrating decisions...however I am still enjoying myself a lot?

It might be my love of Marine Biology but exploring with my friends is really fun even 15 hours in, filling out the logs together and progressing has just been chill. You'll load into a map not knowing what to expect and find Dinosaurs or super deep Abyss zones with so many cool creatures (Not sure why there are no Jellyfish or Octopodes but...sure).

Story mode is ass though, its basically 30 seconds to 2 minutes of a basic mechanic with a cutscene or sometimes just the cutscene and then you're back to the menu. I can't do the last Story mode mission without filling out the Board though so I guess we'll see what happens there.

Otherwise if you just want a kinda fun Marine exploration game to play with someone or even by yourself, it's not half bad.

3 days ago

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