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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 26, 2023

Platforms Played


A very average game in my opinion, the story is well... there, it's clearly not the focus of the Game, and that's ok, it's a pewdiepie game in 2015, what did you expect?
my biggest problem with this game is the gameplay, during most of the game I found the jumps a bit strange, it seemed like I was always missing the jumps by very little, and then I realized why, this game was made for mobile, and The aspect ratio doesn't translate well to a computer screen, or worse, on a television, this led to many leaps of faith where I couldn't see where I was going to land, and this led to frustration at times.
the music and graphics are ...well... indie games from the mid 2010s, pixelated, it's not bad, but after years of the same thing it gets tiring
In conclusion, the game isn't bad, it's just a product of its time, and that's why it hasn't aged well, especially for a Brazilian who has no idea about 90% of the references that this game throws in your face.
4.5/8 - why was everyone obsessed with ducks at that time?