"In the course of a lifetime.. a man will see uncountable meetings and partings. Yet, as your life's candle sputters and dies...whose face is it that rises to greet you? Happy is the man who can sleep... ...in the comfort of the smile he sees then. No... I don't wish for "forever". Even just for one moment... It's enough... If it's with her. And yet... What is the man to do...who has not been afforded that chance...? The road stretches on without end. I cannot but walk down it. As long as I keep walking, I can hold out hope that one day, the time may come... when I see her smile again."

To continue on having lost everyone and everything, in despite of all the trials and tribulations, the pain and sorrow, the doubts and anxieties...

To carry the fates of those we lost unto tomorrow, knowing that through us they live and though us their wills remain inviolate.

To lose hope, yet not succumb to despair, as we search for new light amidst a sea of darkness.

This game is incredibly flawed. Subpar English voice acting in many areas, akward animation in countless scenes, questionable gameplay mechanics around every corner, but at the heart of its bountiful tale lies a beauty most familiar and true. Regardless, the cast, the soundtrack, the breathtaking sights and landscapes still maange to leave their mark.

The combat is overwhelming at first but once the effort is taken to understand and get the hang of it, it becomes a fruitful and a rather intricate wonder.

I hold immense gratitude for this game for a plethora of reasons. I always find myself questioning if I really love it as much as I do to only find out that I love it even moreso. It's by no means my favorite, but it might as well be.

Easily the most flawed masterpiece I have ever experienced

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2022


2 years ago


1 year ago