5 reviews liked by PoutyTrout

Been playing a bit of this for some months, its basically a gacha game where you roll for a mobile suit and then go have fights with everyone else. The gacha format is alright, gives you enough to roll from time to time, but if you try to play on the higher levels rooms it does become kinda pay 2 win because everyone is using the latest most powerful suits.
The robots feel pretty weighty here and most of the movement is pretty slow, I'd say that its generally a fun time and I like that there are both space and ground battles, but also for some reason I tend get some pretty serious lag playing it which prevents me from playing it more often.

Ainda há esperança na indústria Free to play.

💫 7.6

Recommended for Gundam UC lore fans, and people with cash to kill.

F2P, Gacha, third-person shooter, with Rock-Paper-Scissor power dynamics gameplay.

You've been warned with how grindy it can be this game for ressources.

Fine realistic mech 5v5/6v6 mecha game . Better than most multiplayer games nowadays .

Great mecha game overall, I really like the "tank" feel vs the "arcade" feel as far as Gundam games go. Graphics are ok at best and it would be nice if this were on PC!