My personal favourite Star Wars game.
The base game has you playing as either the rebels or the empire.
The expansion has you playing as the Zahn Consortium.
The Zahn Consortium campaign, while IMO having better and more varied mission design, is incredibly easy and a lot of excitement or feeling of accomplishment you might have is just lost.
Space battles are amazing, but I found ground battles to be mediocre. Luckily, for people that might not want to slog through certain battles, there's an auto-resolve option. Though your casualties end up being significantly higher than if you were to take command of the army yourself, it's convenient if you don't want to waste time in smaller battles.
You'll probably spend a lot or most of your time in galactic conquest, a mode whose scale makes it a time sink, but a really enjoyable one regardless. There are also smaller scenarios in case you don't want to get too entangled.
Skirmish mode is an acquired taste. I think you should give it a try and if it's not your thing, just move on to Galactic conquest.
The game also has a dedicated modding community and if you find the game to be unbalanced, yet like its overall idea, you can search for mods to fix whatever issue you might have.

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2022

1 Comment

Galactic Conquest modes in this era of Star Wars games always get me excited. The one in Battlefront II gets repetitive, but as you suggested, mods can fix a lot of that. I really need to try Empire at War & maybe Rebellion since I played Galactic Battelground as a wee lad.