Incredibly gory, violent, has a cool aesthetic and presentation, but is dragged down by technical issues and a combat system that doesn't have too much depth.

The game, even on a lower difficulty can keep you on your toes and present a challenge. Brute forcing your way through encounters doesn't work well. You'll have to quickly learn how to dodge properly, otherwise you'll find yourself dying pretty often. Add to this load times that are on the longer side, which additionally encourage you not to die as often.
I found upgrading health, light and heavy attacks to be your best first investment.

The story was fine for what it was. You won't lose much by not paying attention to it.

The combat is more spectacle than depth and I found it fun for the first half of the game, but after that it became a little monotonous. Enemies having a lot more HP than they needed to contributed to that as well.
The platforming and 2D sections can be hit or miss. In the first half of the game, they're both fun and frustrating, while in the second, they felt more like filler.

The biggest issue is that this game just lacks polish. It doesn't seem to be properly optimized and there's always a small amount of lag that doesn't go away. The camera angles can be a little awkward at times. As mentioned previously, loading times are quite long as well.

The 3 classic Splatterhouse games are included as unlockables, which is a nice addition.

Despite its flaws, the game has a certain charm to it and it could've been great had it not been for its technical issues and rather basic combat system.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2023
