Played this in co op, just because my husband really wanted to play this ... so as per usual I got dragged into it, and boy was I bored to death. He really liked it, I did not. I did not play solo, tried, but could not stand it.

Story was non existent, I couldn't care less. Characters were boring, uninteresting. World was bland, empty. I did minimum to finish it and collect the trophies and that was it. Could not be bothered to finish the dlc.

short but sweet, fun and funny :)

Very good rpg game overall with some great characters and character development, fantastic voice cast and the game looks beautiful, and I had a nice time playing it. I would recommend it to anyone to play it and try it, but one full detailed playthrough is more then enough.

For me personally too many bumps along the way and nothing new: main story is meh (once you have done it not even dark urge playthrough can pick it up), once you have gone through everyone's story lines doing them again is sooo tedious and boring, not worth going through hours of it just so you can see one small changed cutscene ( just watch it on you tube if you are that bothered...), dialogs are not updated actually a lot of times (why I am discussing grove or tower in act 3 like I have not still done it for example ??), character customization is actually really poor for a game like this, music is not memorable, there are few glitches here and there with textures but I personally did not see anything major rather a lot of lag and slow downs especially in act 3, so much emphasis on romancing (especially when it is forced down your throat every given second, bad cringy cutscenes and cheesy dialogue that makes you wanna just vomit....not a great fan of romancing in games as you can tell)

So I'm on my 3rd playthrough and still need to do the tactical, and I am so by this point bored with the whole experience. I don't see myself ever replaying this once it is fully done and dusted.

Type of game I play when my hands hurt too much. No effort required , just relax and enjoy story and pretty scenery.

So much fun :)
Happy hunting!

I liked the first game much more then this one. Very short, but also enjoyable experience.

Great game. It was nice to revisit it. :)

I never finished this on the psp back when it came out, my psp died and that was that. Recently started from fresh on new psn account and so now i'm revisiting many games as well going through new ones. The game is ok, for what it is, wasn't expecting much. For me personally the best part was the ending, and the worst parts were the combat (really boring one build just punch everything comes your way) and the voice overs (I muted the game could not stand neither english or japanese, both equally annoying).