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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 26, 2023

First played

April 23, 2023

Platforms Played


What a disappointment to put this here with that rating but I have to. The first 3 worlds of this game are honestly a really fun time and I enjoyed myself. Then world 4 happens. Where the game slows to a CRAWL. With me constantly being out of ammo and every big room encounter with the thought of "please don't be too long of a fight". Before I got to the final boss of World 4 I went "okay surely this is the end" and then beat the boss and was greeted with another world. Played a bit of the first level of world 5 and realized I was done. Such a promising game at the start but proceeds to just throw more and more annoying enemies at you coupled with annoying level design where you're fighting hordes on tiny little platforms. Also what's with the focus on platforming in this game that very much struggles with said platforming? It makes me sad because I feel burned, the first part of this game had me really interested and the style and the world was really cool and well done. Despite all that I said if you want to put up with the REALLY lackluster backhalf go right ahead. For now and probably forever I don't care to finish the game. Despite all my gripes I think the devs have something genuinely promising on their hands and if they can refine it and make a whole game feel as good as the first 3 worlds and even better? Then the sequel is gonna be amazing. I wish the team the best of luck.