A roguelike that is the least feeling roguelike I played which I will preface might give it more points since I'm definitely feeling the burnout from this genre of indie games. This game definitely has a set track that it wants you to go down to get to the "end" and while there's no end it still has some finality to it. I was very scared for this game because when it was announced I was all in! The art style is great the theming of the occult and darker ideas and topics paired with the idea of these small cute creatures was interesting. Though I was weary because I was scared of the two sides of the game feeling half baked which to a certain degree I feel BUT it serves a purpose almost. The game feels like it's extremely focused on what it wants you to do and while you can argue that leads to both elements of the game feeling "half baked" I'd argue it just was made with the intent to not burden you. I feel if they went way too hard with the town sim element you'd be too focused on that and have it weigh on the back of your mind and if they went too hard on the roguelike segment then why the hell would the town building be there. I played through the game on hard with the long list of experiences I have with these types of games and didn't have too many difficult moments which depending on who you are can be a bad thing. I think overall this was a great game to play and is a quick but worth it game. I definitely recommend a pick up but if you're still weary just wait for a sale!

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2022
