This is the fattest 10/10 6/10 game to ever exist. Where all of the mechanics should turn me off from the QTE fest to the extremely shallow button mashy combat. Despite all of that this is like a top 10 video game for me. To the absolute crazy stakes between demigods fighting on mortal soil. To the main protagonist who is the embodiment of "too angry to die" and having some of the sickest sequences in any video game. With the insane techno buddhist aesthetic and crazy animation style that feels it uses a lot of 2d techniques in a 3d animation space which leads to some crazy animations. I absolutely adore this crazyass video game. A story which at it's core is full of heart. I will always be sad we never got a conclusion to the Street fighter crossover episodes due to the fact the game wasn't very highly regarded at the time. I will forever champion this video game and will fight tooth and nail for Asura to get recognized to be put in another capcom title (I know he was a costume in street fighter V but I want Asura as a character in a Vs Title). I recommend you if you have a xbox console this game is fully backwards compatible and if you do not you can allegedly emulate it on RPCS3 with pretty solid optimization up to 4k 60fps. Allegedly though. Please play this video game

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2022
