The Aesthetics , The visuals , the adjustable controls to make sonic feel as best as he can be to your preferences is great , just hate how he controls in cyber space but overall great game

Fun game but hate the cathedral , everything else neat.

Only playing cause crimson yoto and game fun.

It takes 1 to 2 steps forward and 1 step back on things like story but its fun gameplay wise. Just wish you didn't have to replay the fell xenologue in each play through with its very arbitrary or restrictive stuff .

Fun and neat and all but the amount of eating/ grinding it takes to level up and get skills or stats up is kinda bad at somepoint mid game

Its good but there are somethings that knock it down a bit that others already mentioned like bloat.

Its generally fun but there are a few aspects that keep it being held back like needing to finish the objective as quick as possible with the least amount of turns in a strategy rpg of all things but it neat at least

Aesthetic wise it nails it but everything else is ehhhhh not the greatest maybe besides characters being decent enough.

Great standalone game no need to know anything beforehand than its a fun beat em up with a good story and multiple other elements