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I /REALLY/ like this game, I truly do, It's funny and it has many things to do on the way to the end of it. My only gripe was "what is the point of touhou being there?"

I think the point in having someone creating some botched undertale with help of a higher being is fun, and the fact that the touhou characters being in those places doesn't really change anything in my eyes; but my thought still stands of "why are they there in the first place?"

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I like it, but there's somehow always "but" with the things I like.

First of all, Magnificus was shafted for all the other scrybes favor. He's brought up as this mysterious figure from others, and you never get to know much more about him; which isn't a problem mostly for me (???) But when the end, final act is there, Magnificus is treated like an actual joke at the end? I know it's supposed to be some "awesome" battle probably but it's so jarring to watch Leshy plead for one more match to be hit in the face with a glorified yugi-oh battle.
TLDR; Magnificus is basically a wall-flower

The second, and I believe final gripe I have of this game is in the ARG, and it's a thing I've seen some other media I've come into contact do to make them story all the more "edgy"(??) And it's either for some reason adding Hitler or "the Russians", and Inscryption does BOTH. There was no point in needing to add that in the first place, it doesn't make your story any more impactful, and in my opinion it more or so just makes it worse.

I watched a video of someone playing this game when I was younger, and I was so entranced seeing Santas elf's being dead.

I have it now, it's fun for a while but it gets boring real quick

I VERY MUCH like the characters, but the game kinda booty cheek. Though I'm not going to complain too much because it was free and entertaining to play.

I'm anticipating the remake a little

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Some parts in this game were unintentionally funny to me, like; "First things first!"

But overall, it does give more insight on Simon/Mole's character, and I think it's a teensy bit interesting.