Really awesome short but sweet metroidvania game, a reverse horror game where you play as the mutant alien freak who escapes confinement and kills all the researchers is literally the coolest concept ever, and Carrion very much does it justice. It never got old entering a room full of cowering researchers and terrorising them all in my own sadistic ways. The monster's controls are really weird but extremely fun to play around with, grabbing things with your tentacle specifically is weirdly satisfying for how arguably awkward it is. The puzzles are well designed and hit that sweet spot for me of being simple enough to not burn me out (for the most part) but challenging enough to feel rewarding. In metroidvania fashion, you also gain new abilities (out of test tubes) throughout the game, and these allow you to go back and unlock new paths in areas you've already been to, which is handled well and is always very satisfying, most of them were also really fun to use and guve you more tools to play around with in fights with security, which lends to the sandbox-y feel of those segments.

I think the environmental storytelling they attempted could've been a lot more interesting, the flashback scenes especially are not only a massive momentum killer for the gameplay, but they also don't really tell you anything of value. I ended the game with more questions than answers. As far as other complaints, I found the ending a tad anticlimactic, the final leg is probably the easiest and most straightforward part of the whole campaign. The game can also be a little bit repetitive at points but that's not too much of a dealbreaker when the stuff being repeated is so good.

Overall a great and really unique experience, if the concept grabs you like it grabbed me then definitely check this out.

I should probably mention the sound design as well, the sound design is fucking great.

Beautiful and transcendent experience from start to finish. The abstract visuals are stunning and endlessly creative and each stage evolved in ways that had me constantly surprised and in complete awe. Most of the levels have music cues that coincide with your actions yet they always feel like a deliberate part of the composition somehow and I have no idea how that's even possible. This game feels like playing Tetris as a god, the first and probably last time a Tetris game will ever make me cry.