Resident Evil 4 is a classic and icon for 3rd person shooters and it does not disappoint, the amount of content featured in the game still shocks me months after beating.

A Perfect near scene for scene recreation of Resident Evil 4, Hit me in the feelings a lot more than I thought it would be able to, I originally feared this remake because of the amount of content in Original Resident evil 4, however I feel they managed to do it justice while adding enough new content to make it worth replays.

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Essentinally a complete rewrite on the original Separate ways, however I feel it was for the better as it is far more interesting and expands Albert Wesker importance in RE4 and the connections to RE5. Was a very fun playthrough and included some cut content which was great as a fan of the original resident evil 4.

Was a simple otherside of the resident evil 4 story, was quite interesting to play but I feel it lacked a lot replay value and is generally a lot less memorable than the base game.

I determine this one of the best VR experiences and i want original VR experiences to match this