When it comes to the DKC series, I belong to two groups that consist of at least a dozen members each. One group's favorite game of the series is DKC3 (while acknowledging that DKC2 is the best game in the series) and the other group believes that the original gets mostly boring after the second part of the island. That doesn't mean that we think the original is in any way a BAD game, not at all. It's just at the end of the day we would rather be revisiting DKC3 or DKC2 instead who's existences no doubt put a bit of a damper on the original.

Still good. Really do love all the levels in Kongo Jungle and Monkey Mines as well as that stupid Dumb Drum boss. Highlight was when Donkey and Diddy started beating the shit out of each other in the credits which needs to happen in more games with the main characters. Was very nice beating it for the first time (?) after all these years. Once again abusing the Switch's rewind feature but as I have mentioned before on here I used to play this entire series so much as a kid and get my ass handed to me all the time that I DESERVE to use it, dammit.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2023


1 year ago

it was great when they beat the shit out of each other
Just the perfect ending lol