"I had a Dream and I built the thing I saw in my dream. A machine that will contain God, but not the God you know or the ones anyone knows. A new God. This machine will be his body, his heart, and his mind. I made it just like the Dream showed me."


"They're the Bureau's past, Emily. We won't operate like they did. We'll learn from their mistakes. We'll be better than they ever were. We won't ever be like them."

Another fine entry in the freaky stuff happening at the corporate office genre (maybe the best genre). Should probably have tried to play this more often for as much as I enjoyed my time with it I definitely took a few too long stretches of not playing it which I'm pretty sure lessened the impact of the story/themes/ending. Not 100% sure if that's a fault of the game for not sucking me in/being a bit of slog here and there or the curse of not being able to completely dedicate your life to a long-form(ish) game anymore (I don't have too much interest in playing it any further after the credits so leaning a bit more on the former here). Nonetheless, the combat, exploration, discovering the history/lore of the Bureau and it's building through notes, and the addictive destruction physics (can't wait for their Max Payne 1 & 2 remaster) are more than enough for a completely satisfying experience. Standouts are the Anchor boss and the maze set piece, among several set pieces that play with the buildings architecture. Could watch the building shift and warp around itself for hours. Lots of neat stuff here with structure, colors, editing, framing, and, most importantly, sticky notes which has now given me the perfect idea so that I can permanently work from home and never go back to my dumbass office.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2023
