Can a game hit the uncanny valley?

No, seriously, I feel like this game isn't "real." The graphics are pretty and engaging yet it never moves past "Twitter proof of concept that gets 90k likes" for me in any way that really feels like it has its own identity. This game in general lacks an identity. It feels like a hodgepodge of eight different cyberpunk games/shows including Katana Zero, Cyberpunk 2077, and Blade Runner in a way that makes me feel like this game isn't ever really being genuine? The story feels formless and any interesting identity it has is dropped quickly, the cyberpunk stuff isn't unique at all and there's not really any designs I can think of being memorable aside from the robot stripper of all things, the gameplay is a mush of games like Katana Zero and Dust: An Elysian Tail without literally anything to make itself distinct, and not helping at all is how strange the English dub sounds. It's a dub that borders good and the actors are trying but nothing really comes across well. The direction of the game also feels really strange an amateur, it's like a web video series like RWBY but boosted with really pretty graphics.

Is it a good game? Is it a bad game? I have no idea. I have no idea what to possibly think of this game. It's too generic to have its own identity yet not generic enough to pass off as disposable. There's a lot of talent in this game but there isn't any ambition in the game to truly be unique and embrace an identity that isn't what every other cyberpunk story is doing. If the studio decides to make another game, I hope they really have an idea they stick to that's their own rather than trend-chasing.

tl;dr The game has soul but the soul is a patchwork of other properties that decays the further into the game you play.

There's also a Vergil-like and I swear his sudden appearance is the funniest thing in the game.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2023
